The leather can be transformed in the best mastered piece through the expertise and dedicated hand craft tanned methods of our leather artisans
The strict lab tests our leather has to pass and the cutting-edge technology used for production, allow us to provide our customers around the world with excellent and genuine cow leather at very competitive prices.
It is most important for us to secure customer satisfaction in their purchase. For that reason the higher quality of our products is paramount to provide consistency, high quality and high performance in customer service. With a leather finishing plant capable to produce more than one million sq.ft per month and with the support of the research and department, the leathers can be customized according to our customer’s needs and requirements.
Just A Phone Call Away
Our company provides a dedicated, outstanding sales & post sale customer service with representatives around the globe, including technical support and visits whenever it becomes necessary in the interest of guaranteeing our customers the highest standards in their purchased product.
We have representatives in key locations around the world such as Asia, Europe, South America and North America to offer our services to our customers.